So What Even is Life Coaching?

Coaching means something different for everyone.

Here’s what it means to me.

“And the day came when the risk

to remain tight in a bud

was more painful

than the risk it took

to blossom.”

-Anais Nin

Coaching means safety. Together, we co-create a space where you get to express your greatest inescurities, doubts, aspirations, and goals. Where you don’t have to be afraid to be yourself, but can show up however you are, wherever you are, living into the fullness of whatever you’re experiencing—without judgment.

Coaching means service. It means I show up with my full energy, attention, and focus centered entirely on you, 0ffering you refuge; a space to be held. You lead each session. I never tell you what to do, but rather offer questions, insight, tools, and new perspectives tailored to your unique journey.

Coaching means vulnerability. It means trust. It means getting honest about what isn’t serving you, and being willing to start taking action and making a change. Being vulnerable asks you to truly see yourself, reconnecting you to the starved, forgotten parts of you, offering acceptance where they’ve only known rejection, validation where they’ve known isolation, love where they’ve only known fear.

Coaching means integrity. When we take accountability and responsibility for our own healing and potential, when we finally start to say “yes” to ourselves, and “no” to everything else that isn’t in service to what we know, at our deepest depths, we need—then we’re living from our highest truth.

Coaching means compassionate accountability. I never push you beyond what you feel capable of. Rather, I gently hold you accountable to the goals you set for yourself, offering tools, resources, and support so that you never have to go it alone.

Coaching means unearthing Possibility. True change and growth are possible, even when you’re at your wit’s end—when you’re the most stuck. The most disempowered. The most confused, dejected, and hurt. This is perhaps the time when we need change the most. Possibility flourishes when we reawaken agency in our lives—and I’m here to help empower you to do so. You already have all the strength, Knowing, and wisdom you need inside of you. Sometimes, it just takes a new light to help illuminate the darkness.

It may be scary, this unknown. This desire for change, with seemingly no clear-cut path as to how to achieve it. This unexpected intolerance for what isn’t working, this inexplicable drive to find what will.

And I’m proud of you for facing it. It’s not easy, but it’s important, and you’re here. That isn’t just something.

It’s everything.

There is a path forward, and not just some gimmicky, affirmations-riddled side quest that leaves you feeling inspired momentarily, but back to the same old routine in the long run.

It’s concrete strategies, grounded methodologies, and spiritual attunement that help you rewrite all those old stories of “too much” or “not enough” for good.

You’re not meant to do this alone. And you don’t have to.

Book a free discovery call now.

What will it look like?

  • 1) Book a free intro call to see if we’re a good fit.

    2) Book a longer discovery session to delve deeper into your values, background, and goals.

    3) We start regular either weekly or bi-weekly coaching sessions.

  • Sessions are 60 mins each, weekly or biweekly (depending on circumstance), and are conducted on Google Meet.

    Coaching is a personal investment . The kind of investment where the results you see are directly related to the amount of time, energy, and effort you put in.

    MY commitment is to show up with my attention, expertise, and focus 100% committed to keeping you true to your goals in an attentive environment solely dedicated to your growth and continual freedom.

  • Now, for a limited time only, work with me for three sessions, and receive a fourth session FREE!*

    I don’t require all three sessions to be paid up front, but I do require a written commitment to attend all four sessions in order to receive the discount.

    *Offer valid through 1/29/2024

  • My current rate is $100/session*

    Pay for 3 sessions in advance, and receive a 5% discount ($20 savings)

    Pay for 6 sessions in advance, and receive a 10% discount ($60 savings)

    Pay for 12 sessions in advance, and receive a 15% discount ($180 savings)

    *Having grown up low-income my entire life, I know circumstances out of our control don’t always allow access to the sorts of life-changing options to which others are privileged. To the best of my abilities, I want to create a more equally opportunistic world, so please don’t hesitate to contact me directly if you feel called to work with me, but aren’t sure you have the means. I offer a sliding-scale low-income rate, and would be happy to discuss options with you!

  • Referrals are the bread and butter of my practice. If you find value in our work together, please spread the word. To show my appreciation, you’ll be credited 50% off one session for every client you refer who completes at least one paid session.

  • Coaching is a highly personal process and I cannot guarantee any specific outcome as a result of your sessions. Clients retain full accountability for their outcomes and decisions at all times. Our progress may be affected by outside circumstances, diagnoses, and client engagement/adherence. I am not a medical or mental health professional, and am not licensed to diagnose or treat any physical or mental health conditions. Should the services of a licensed health practitioner become necessary, I will refer out to a relevant specialist.

  • Confidentiality is extremely important to me. The details of our discussions will never be shared with third parties unless given your express consent, or unless required by law.

If words like




embodied, authentic living

spark something in you…

a whole new journey might be calling.